Plastic weld rods for professionals who require high quality welds
Strong plastic welds begin with quality materials
SuperFUSION™ weld rod is manufactured in Australia from the highest quality resins available. Only 100% virgin material is used in SuperFUSION weld rod. Absolutely no reground or recycled material, giving you and your clients peace of mind that your welds will last the test of time
Manufacturing process developed in Australia
SuperFUSION is the very finest plastic welding rod available. Our years of research and development have created a unique manufacturing process that guarantees premium grade quality, void free plastic weld rod.
Only use high quality weld rod
“The bitterness of Poor Quality remains long after the sweetness of Low Price is forgotten”.
Whilst all plastic welding rods look much the same, there can be a vast difference in the hidden quality of the finished material. High quality, strong plastic welds start with using weld rod material that very closely matches the properties of the base material being welded.
SuperFUSION weld rod is extruded using a unique process designed to retain maximum raw material properties, guaranteeing the strongest, most durable weld possible.
How to Weld Plastic
Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, we have some handy tips to help get the best results with your thermoplastic welding.